Sunday, April 22, 2012

Oh the Lessons We Learn

I discovered something the hard way today.  One of my lovely children gets carsick.  We went on a beautiful mountain drive after lunch and church today.  Its been a while since we took a drive and we are in charge of a campout for our church in June.  We decided today was a perfect day to check out the campground. 
1st problem -The road that connects the valley area we live to the mountain valley area where the campground is has to be the most windy, steep, bumpy (but yet still paved) road in the whole world.  It makes me nervous because on the one side of the road is a steep grade going straight up the mountain while the other side of the road is a steep grade continuing down the mountain.  I usually just try to close my eyes and grip onto the hand holds as tight as I can as we round the endless corners and switchbacks.
2nd problem - I'm pretty sure my son was looking at the window and saying to himself: Tree. Tree. Tree. Tree. Tree. as we passed them going just a tad bit faster than the posted speed limit.
3rd problem - When we got to the campground, we were hoping to have a chance to walk around and stretch our legs for a while and get a feel of the area so I could know what activities were possible etc.  But oh no!  Our plans were foiled by thick chains and huge locks and big signs that said "No Pedestrian Traffic".  And being the fanatical law abiding citizen I am (NOT), and knowing that I am trying to set a good example for my children of obeying all posted signs, I opted not to climb over the gate in my skirt and go exploring. SOOOOO......
4th problem - We turned right around and went back the way we came.  Around a curve, up a hill, down a hill, around another curve. Switchback.  Switchback. Switchback. Curve. Curve.  Curve.  Tree. Tree. Tree.  And then it happened.
Just as we came out of the mountain pass and were driving through the neighborhoods less than seven minutes from our house (and bathroom facilities) the most dreaded sound that is feared by all moms started coming from the very back seat.  You know the sound I'm talking about, don't you?  I hope so, because I really don't want to go into any more detail.  And then the groaning starts...
"Mo-o-o-o-om, C threw up!"  "Mo-o-o-o-om, I don't want to sit back here with him!!"  "Mo-o-o-o-om, it stinks, oh it stinks.  I think I'm going to be sick too."  So we open all the windows.  Then the other whining starts.  "Mo-o-o-o-om, the wind is ruining my hair."  "Mo-o-o-o-om, I can't hear the radio with the windows open!"  "Mo-o-o-o-o-om, C is looking at me and breathing his throw up germs on me!"  "Mo-o-o-o-o-om, I can't hear you talk because the windows are open and the radio is too loud!" 

Finally, we get home and the real fun begins.  The cleanup. I honestly never realized the nooks and crannies my minivan had.  Ugh. Shudder. Try not to gag.  Fall in love again with Lysol/Clorox wipes and removable seats and my garden hose.  And yes, all of my neighbors, my child did strip out of his church clothes and down to his undies before I would let him in the house.  The clothes were hosed down with the booster seat. 

Lesson Learned from today:  Note to self:  C needs travel sick medicine if we are going on any sort of windy, bumpy, steep roads and someone will ALWAYS need the puke buckets within a week after you have taken them out of the van where they haven't been used for a year.  :) I LOVE BEING A MOM!  :)

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