Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ahhhhhh.....A GetAway!

Well, right now, I am laying sprawled on a king size bed with my honey, with REAL tv (the food network) on in the background.  That is the ONLY background noise.  There is no whining, no complaining, no "she's looking at me" or "he's touching at me". Our children are located approx 400 miles away.  At last update, they had lunch, naps and snacks and are happily playing outside at Grandma's house.  My incredible husband and I have spent the past 8 hours in our minivan, listening to music, talking, snacking, talking, a little nap for me, talking, a couple of pit stops, talking, a quick lunch with a dear friend, talking.  It was wonderful! 

We talked about friendships and politics and religion and his career and our kids and the state of the world and dreams.  I read him part of the novel I've been working on - I had a completely captive audience - he couldn't fall asleep since he was driving AND he couldn't watch tv or find something else to do.  Hee Hee Hee.  But most importantly, we reconnected.

In our lives, sometimes we only end up talking in passing.  Usually I greet him from the kitchen when he walks in the door with something like "Hi Honey. How was your day? Well the kids did this and this and this and they are driving me crazy and this broke and this isn't working and my friend said this and this and I just can't believe it!"  Then he goes upstairs, puts his work stuff away, comes back down, is mauled by the kids, grabs a snack and starts working on things around the house.  Then we eat dinner, always an experience (and a loud one), get the kids settled into bed and then we sit in front of the tv.  We watch our favorite shows then climb into bed, most nights with a sleepy goodnight and a quick peck.

This little getaway has been wonderful.  It is just a simple, quick trip that we took so we could attend my sister's wedding in another state.  But I think that it is just what we need.  Actually, when I took the kids into the dr for checkups the other day, the nurse watched them for two minutes, took a long look at me and said "You need a vacation." 

Yes, I do.  And so did my hard working hubby.  And we needed the time together.  To get back on the same page. Realizing that our kids are doing JUST FINE with someone else (and I believe that 9 hours in, so are their caregivers - we will see if Grandma and Grandpa survive) will help us to do this more often. 

And in the meantime, we will probably cuddle, watch some REAL tv, talk some more and have a wonderful drive back - not to mention remember just how in love we were on our wedding day as we watch my sister marry HER best friend and sweetheart. 

Reality of being parents will come back to us quickly once we arrive home.  But for now, we are just us.  And that is a good thing to be sometimes.  :)

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